06 September 2010

Colon Cleanse Recipe

So why should you be interested in a colon cleanse recipe? The body is healthy when it is in good shape both inside and out. The colon is an important part of the whole, so we must keep it working at full speed. There are pollutants and toxins that harm us without us knowing, and can get into our systems. That, coupled with bad foods we eat that are hard to digest, make it hard for the colon to stay in good shape. The colon cleanse can help the situation.

Pricy medications are not necessary for colon cleansing. The colon has the job of draining out our system, and sometimes needs help via the cleanse. There are more natural recipes out there to get the job done, avoiding an embarrassing visit to the doctor's office. When doing a homemade recipe or other method, it is important to follow the formula strictly, even though you are doing it from the comfort of our own home.

When going by the natural route of changing the diet, it is important to avoid fatty foods and include enough roughage to maintain regular cycles of bowel movement. Plentiful amounts of water also should be incorporated into the diet because this keeps the body hydrated, and also has the benefit of skin hydration- allowing it to glow.

Herbal remedies are also popular as a colon cleanse recipe, using herbs such as the aloe leaf, senna, cascara sangrada, ginger and cayenne pepper. The herbs can kill parasites, making the colon muscles stronger. A bitter plant is used in herbal remedies- this produces bile and allows bowels to move at a faster pace.

For more great colon cleanse recipe ideas and information on colon hydrotherapy, visit http://www.ColonCleansingForum.com today. Registration is free.

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