31 March 2008

Fun Activities While Camping

You are only limited by your imagination. Always, there really is something fun to do if you just put your mind to thinking up ways to do it.

The following may be helpful suggestions to do just that. Believe it or not, these tips do not require expensive devices, batteries or equipment. All one needs is an open mind and a free-wheeling attitude.

Create interesting stories

Telling stories is the age-old device used by our ancestors - and even us - to battle away boredom.

What did you think was the purpose of all those cave drawings? Story-telling is an ingenious way to keep kids occupied. An idle mind is a nest of anxiousness and tantrums. Keeping their minds creatively occupied through stories will get their brain cells processing.

Plus, the best thing about this activity is it is free and could be done anytime and anywhere.

How to get started? Simply start with a single line. This line should set up or at least build up the image of where the story could lead to.
For example, you may begin with “Once upon a time,” or with “I saw a green marmalade monster once.” From there, abruptly stop and let others add their own detail to the story.

However, it is best that you also set up specific rules. You may advise that there should be no detail that would scare off “your little brother” just good old clean and entertaining fun.

Watch those clouds pass

Relax and unwind. This is one way to unreel and be less up tight about anything. Chilling out has never felt this good.

Spread some towels on the grass or a blanket that is old and not that regularly used. Lie on your back and observe the variety of clouds that pass by. You may see an elephant, a rabbit or a dog. Or you could count the number of clouds that pass. This is a relaxing activity that is also just as fun. Try it out.

Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles

When outdoors, do not forget to bring your bubble maker device or toy and let everyone, especially kids, bubble their way to fun. This is an effective way to run around and laugh as bubbles pop and float around.

Board games, dice and play

In case you get rained on, do not fret. If you have brought your trusty old dice and any easy-to-carry board game with you, playing will be just as easy as one to three and its fun too.
The game Yahtzee is one example. Card games are also easy and convenient games to bring. It fits one pocket’s easily and can bring loads of entertainment and games. Even magic tricks, if you know a few ones using cards.

Write your way out of boredom

Try bringing a journal and write your heart out. This could include a log of the activities that you have done all through the camping trip. They may be fun and educational later on.

Study up

When in a new place, it might help if you study the area’s history. This could be a good way to tell kids the background of the area you are at. It may also be a nice story to tell around camp fires.

Sing some songs

Really! Do not think of it as cheesy - it may be an effective boredom buster. Songs around the camp fire is a good activity to keep everyone entertained. Make up a song. Or play a game by letting others guess the song you are humming. Use nature’s instruments. Twigs may be used as drum sticks. Dance also. It does not cost a thing. It may also be a form of good exercise.

All in all, the limits of activities rest on how much you want your mind to explore. The sky’s the limit may also mean, your mind is its own limit. Do not be afraid to try something everyone would enjoy and have fun doing. Be creative. You may also bring toys such as balls. Frisbees are also a fun thing to play with especially when camping in the wild outdoors. Just remember to always have fun.

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