24 March 2008

Winter Camping

Winter camping

There are some people that find winter camping more satisfying compared to the summer months, because they say, winter camping requires a specific strength and courage that summer camping does not.
If you love the challenge it brings, then consider “winter camping”. You can enjoy sleeping in “mild weather” outside.

Likewise, it gives you added “self-confidence” realizing that you actually can endure the preparedness and ingenuity this kind of outdoor adventure requires.

Certainly, there are many advantages to camping during winter; no snakes, bugs, flies, bears, dust or mosquitoes, plus winter wilderness view is breathtaking.

You can go snowmobiling, snowshoeing, “cross-country skiing” and engage in many heartening challenges.

Furthermore, campgrounds during winter will most likely be quiet, empty and normally cheap.

However, lack of preparation and readiness brings dangers. There are many hazards and dangers that one needs to be familiar with, like large quantities of snow falling from “overhead trees”. But with good planning, you can enjoy the slower pace of winter camping.

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