22 April 2008

TabletDraw 1.0

TabletDraw 1.0: "

About TabletDraw

Unlike traditional mouse-oriented drawing/paint applications, TabletDraw is specifically designed for use with a drawing tablet. Most applications expect the slow deliberate movement of a mouse, and it shows. When faced with the quick strokes of a pen, the typical paint program either ‘lags’ behind the pen, or turns your smooth curves into choppy polygons, sacrificing accuracy for speed. If you try to sign your name in one of these applications, you’ll quickly see the disadvantages of either approach.

TabletDraw achieves the best of both worlds, rendering strokes with silky fidelity and enough speed to give you the quick feedback of a real pen on paper. In addition, TabletDraw uses a combination of speed and pen pressure for natural control over line thickness. The bottom line: If you can draw on a piece of paper, you can draw with TabletDraw.

Other features:

- Ink Mode: block in color without obliterating your outlines

- Guide Images: trace a sketch or photo; like a digital light table

- Erase to Sealed: seal your current canvas and erase back to it later

- Tool Presets: like bookmarks for your pens and erasers

(Via Downloads - Mac OS X - Just Added.)

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