01 March 2009


I needed to activate all the resources of his weary WireLessRebateCard. The recipient of the card on the back of a free number to activate the card, your card number on the front of the card (you must) will print the number of pins associated with the following, 4 alst acrd requires wirelessrebatecard contains numbers, and will fail to excite card yet, and those assigned www.att.com/wirelessrebatecard Center must be called to resolve the situation. You to www.att.com / wirelessrebatecard - Customer Services can retrieve your email. If 30 days or more email addresses in this file, you via email the day your order ships you will receive your refund form.


william h eaves said...

i had my wireless high speed internet service activation 8/17/2010 i was supposed to get back a rebate on motem 10000.have not heardfrom you.is a scam? deaves1926@att.net

william h eaves said...

this must be a scam