11 September 2008


Summer might be slowly coming to an end but great deals are still available at StrawberryNET! Please see the featured product section below as well as the new customer gift with purchase for September...a Free Elizabeth Arden Sheer White Daytime Cream.

We would also like remind everyone of StrawberryNET's paid search policy. While StrawberryNET does allow publishers to use paid search to promote their products, there are rules that publishers must abide by in order to remain in good standing with StrawberryNET.

StrawberryNET does NOT allow the following:

* Trademark bidding. This includes all variations (StrawberryNET.com, StrawberryNET discount, StrawberryNET coupon, StrawberryNET makeup, etc) and misspellings of StrawberryNET.

* Direct linking from paid search ads. Please do not link directly to StrawberryNET.com from any paid search ads.

* Use of their display URL or misspellings of the StrawberryNET trademark in display URLs.

These rules apply to all search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, ASK, etc) as well as Google AdSense and any other search related campaign. If any publisher violates the rules they will be given a formal warning and asked to remove/change the ad immediately. If a publisher is caught violating the rules a second time then the publisher will be removed from the program and all of their commissions will be reversed.

We're here to help! Please feel free to contact us with any questions or requests. We look forward to working with you.


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